Our Mission – District Board of Ministry We exist to oversee the equipping of ministerial studies and ministers on the North/East Texas District. We have an obligation to the local church and to the Lord to send out the best prepared pastors. We partner with pastors and candidates to help them be well-equipped in terms of character and education to serve in the ministry. Click here for Board of Ministry officers & contact info.
KEY DATES FOR 2025-2026
January 22, 2025 – Memo with application details and instructions sent to all Senior Pastors and all current ‘ministers in training’.
March 1, 2025 – Due Date: Applications for Ordination AND for District Licenses– also due: Board Recommendation Form
April 4-5, 2025 – “Minister in Training Weekend”: District Board of Ministry Meeting & Ministry Candidate Interviews – location: Scottsville Camp
July 13-14, 2025 – District Assembly – All district ministers & ordinands & spouses must attend – Richardson TX
Do you feel a call to ministry?
The Church of the Nazarene believes God calls men and women into special roles of leadership in ministry. Consistent with our belief, the church has developed many resources to help you determine what God is saying to you, and to prepare you for Christian service. You will find below step-by-step instructions to lead you through the process as well as the forms you will need.
You will want to start by reviewing the section below titled “Clarifying Your Call.” It contains resources to help you know for sure God is calling you. It also contains a simple strengths and gifts survey to help you determine the area of ministry that might be best for you.
The section you should read below is “Steps to Ordination.” Ordination is a process. There are many steps the church requires to ensure all candidates are called of God, and suited for ministry. Keep this document close as you go through the process.
Clarifying Your Call to Ministry
God calls some to special service as full-time ministers. What is this call about? How do you respond to God’s call on your life? You are strongly encouraged to talk with your Pastor and allow him/her to help you discern God’s call on your life whether that is into vocational ministry or serving Him in other capacities.
Below are links to resources & tools to help you assess your call as well as gauge your spiritual gifts and strengths.
The Call to Ministry – Overview
Guide to Ministerial Preparation and Ordination
En espanol: Guía para la Preparación Ministerial y Ordenación
Handbook for Christian Ministries – is the complete resource on how to navigate the process of becoming a licensed minister and/or an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene.
Steps to Ordination
Ordination is a process. The Church of the Nazarene charges the North Texas District Board of Ministry with the responsibility that all candidates for ordination are called of God and fit for Christian service. This verification is completed in three ways…
- Examination – Each year students will be required to meet with someone who will evaluate their progress in ministry. This will be with a local church board when holding a local ministers license and later with representatives from the District Board of Ministry when holding a district license. The purpose of examination is accountability and clarification.
- Education – The Church of the Nazarene requires students to complete 24 courses of ministry. The courses consist of theology, ministry, evangelism, and church history.
- Participation – Those enrolled in the School of Ministry will be expected to put into practice what they are learning. They should have a specific area of ministry leadership that demonstrates the calling of God on their lives.
District Notes & Instructions to Ministry Candidates
Local Minister’s License
All ministers in the Church of the Nazarene are required to begin the process of licensing through the local church. A local license is granted by a local church board and must be held for one full year prior to application for a district license. Local licenses must be renewed annually.
Step 1: Talk to Your Pastor
Step 2: Complete the Local License Application form and submit it to your Pastor. – click on link below to download the Application
Step 3: Participate in the interview with the Church Board which your Pastor will arrange. Ask your Pastor in advance about likely Interview Questions from the Board.
Step 4: Before a Local License can be approved the pastor MUST submit the Local License Candidate Verification Form (See Below) to the District Office to be forwarded to the General Secretary’s Office to be reviewed.
A Request for Verification of Credential History form must be completed for each individual seeking a local or district minister’s license for the first time. Local church should fill out form and submit to District Office. Open the form to see full instructions and to learn more about this process.
Education Requirements – Course of Study – Classes & Sources
The course of study is the educational plan to prepare men and women for ministry in the Church of the Nazarene. Please read and consider the article on Course of Study at the USA/Canada Region’s website.
Completion of the course of study does not automatically lead to ordination. Upon completing the validated course of study, all students will be interviewed by the District Board of Ministry, and some will be recommended for ordination within the Church of the Nazarene. The Board interviews and verifies that the candidate has met all the requirements for ordination
No candidate will be passed for ordination who has not completed all Manual requirements. Only active assigned ministers will be considered for ordination. Recommended individuals must express a call to full-time ministry, exhibit the gifts and graces for ministry, demonstrate the requisite abilities for ministry, and exhibit a mature, Christlike spirit.
District Minister’s License
After holding a local license for one year, the minister may request recommendation to the District for a District License. The candidate must have an approved number of academic classes in the course of study, the recommendation of the local pastor & board, a cleared Local/District Background check, and meet with the District Board of Ministry. (**See Tab “Candidate Interviews” – candidates for district licenses will be interviewed on April 4-5, 2025) If approved by the Board of Ministry, they are recommended to the District Assembly which may grant a district license
Step 1: Review the “OVERVIEW” document to ensure you have met the requirements.
Step 2: Advise the Board of Ministry, your Pastor, and your local church Board that you are ready to apply for your first District License.
Step 3: Complete and sign the application for your District License: (click on the link below)
Step 4: Remind your Pastor that you will need a “Recommendation to the District Assembly” Form from your Church Board.
Step 5: Meet with Board of Ministry for your interview (usually in March or April)
Application for District Minister’s License (first-time or renewal):
District License Application – Paper version – PDF Format – Fillable Word Format
District License Application – Paper version – Spanish PDF – Spanish Word
Recommendation for License – PDF Format – Word Format
Recommendation – Spanish – PDF Format – Word Format
Ordination is the confirmation by the church that the a minister/candidate demonstrates the gifts and graces that validate his or her call and is qualified to represent the Church of the Nazarene as an ordained member of the clergy – either as an Elder or a Deacon.
Ordination is a privilege and not a right. The District Board of Ministry is not obligated to recommend for ordination a candidate, even though the candidate has completed the approved education program and met all other requirements. Election to ordination is the prerogative of the district assembly
For those seeking ordination and those seeking recognition of ordination from another denomination, please submit the Application for Ordination/Recognition form.
Step 1: Review the “OVERVIEW” document found under the “Overview” Section above to ensure you have met all the requirements.
Step 2: Advise the Board of Ministry, your Pastor, and your local church Board that you are ready to apply for Ordination.
Step 3: Complete all of the application steps for a District License. Refer to previous sections above.
Step 4: Complete the online Ordination / Recognition Application. The application form will be issued in January.
Sample forms for use in collecting and organizing information for the online application:
Ordination Application Questions – PDF Format – Spanish PDF
Step 5: Participate in an ordination interview with the District Board of Ministry. Interviews will take place during Minister in Training Weekend, April 5-6, 2024. If married, your spouse should also attend.
Step 6: Participate in the ordination service at District Assembly.