Home for the Northeast TX District of the Nazarene
E Congreso para damas “Renuévate 2019” “Renovando Nuestra Esperanza en Cristo” VIERNES, MAYO 3 Y SABADO, MAYO 4, 2019 Invitada especial: Revda. Sharon Víquez Pastora nazarena graduada del Seminario Teológico Nazareno en Costa Rica. Dirige programas para retiros de damas en Costa Rica y ministra junto con su esposo en una congregación local. Viernes, Mayo […]
Light dinner at 6:00pm. Training begins at 6:30pm. Participants MUST RSVP in advance to Pastor Beth Rush at [email protected]
Training begins at 9:00am. Participants MUST RSVP in advance to Pastor Beth Rush at [email protected]
Light lunch at Noon. Training begins at 12:30pm. Participants MUST RSVP in advance to Pastor Beth Rush at [email protected]