Home for the Northeast TX District of the Nazarene
In this special forum, Dr. Janet Dean will discuss the arguments and perspectives affirming a biblical view of human sexuality. This training is intended to expand your (pastoral staff or laypersons) understanding of biblical teaching, deepen your theological knowledge, and increase your capacity for faithful ministry. How can we approach this difficult subject with love, truth, and grace? Dr. Dean will address the behavioral, personality, and psychobiological components of human sexuality, with emphasis upon delineation of facts from sexual myths, social context, and values.
All N/E TX District pastors are requested & strongly urged to attend along with their spouse and any church leaders are welcomed. Must register in advance at: https://forms.gle/TCKynvQ7m5nPpaLw7
Special hotel rate of $99.00 per night (includes breakfast) at Cambria Hotel Richardson, 3605 Shire Blvd, Richardson, TX 75082 (3 blocks from Richardson Church) Call (469) 638-4387 Mention Group Name: North East Texas Training -DALNAZ