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FaithLift Women’s Conference – Online/Virtual
February 27, 2021 @ 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM
On February 27, 2021 at 10:30 AM, for the very first time ever on the North East Texas District; The Women Ministry will host FaithLift 2021 via Facebook. Susie Shellenberger is our guest speaker and we are excited about that.
The event is at no cost to each of you. However, we are asking if the Lord places it on your heart to give a love offering toward this event please do so. We would like to give Susie a love offering as well as possibly cover any other fees
that may be associated with this event . We would really appreciate any help you can give. We thank you ladies for being a part of this wonderful ministry unto the Lord. Some of you are hosting watch parties for this event and some will be watching at home. Either way, we appreciate your support. We are looking forward to this wonderful event.
You can mail in your donation (please do not send cash). Mail it to: Marlene James 1509 Lucille Dr. Mesquite, TX 75149.