Home for the Northeast TX District of the Nazarene
This year, 2020, we want to make it convenient to share in celebrating Chistmas – the District will host two dinners: this one on Saturday, Dec. 5 in Marshall at Scottsville Camp, and one on Sunday, December 6 in Richardson.
An invitation is extended to the following (spouses included):
Pastors, Associate Pastors, District Advisory Board, Retired Elders, District NMI Council, District SDMI Board; District NYI Officers, and SCCC Board and Staff.
Price: $10 per person
Deadline for reservations – November 23, 2020
Recommended attire is business casual.
Scroll down to select your number of tickets, and then fill out the registration form. Upon submission, you will have the option to pay by credit card, or to indicate you will send a check (Address for checks: N/E TX District Office, PO Box 831269, Richardson TX 75083).